Graeme Souness rister lett på hodet da han forteller om dagen Michel Platini kom og ville prakke på ham en fransk bad boy.

Det var i 1991 etter at Liverpool hadde satt på plass Auxerre på Anfield at Souness fikk beskjed om at en gammel venn ønsket å prate med ham.

Vi lar Souness selv fortelle uten vår haltende oversettelse:

«I was manager of Liverpool, we’d lost 2-0 away to Auxerre, came back and beat them 3-0.

“After the game, there was a guy outside who said he was a good pal of mine, and it was Michel Platini. Not a close pal of mine, only time I came into contact with him was when I was in Italy, he was at Juventus and I was at Sampdoria.

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“Anyway, he came in and said ‘look I’ve got a player for you, he’s a real problem boy in France but he’s really talented, he’d be perfect for your club’.

“I said ‘listen Michel, I’m fighting fighting fires at the moment, trying to get some people out the door, they’re resisting, fighting a dressing room here. The last thing I need is another controversial figure in there,’ and that was Eric [Cantona].

“Then Eric went on trial at Sheffield Wednesday and ended up signing for Leeds and the rest is history”, sier Souness til Sky Sports.

Og resten av historien ble O-A-CANTONA på Old Trafford.

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