Med 50 proffkamper og 50 seire i sin karrière har bokselegenden Floyd Mayweather her klart noe å lære yngre generasjoner.

Floyd Mayweather har allerede startet som trener for sin 14 år gamle nevø: «Jeg vil bli en av verdens beste trenere»

Trenerinteressen har økt hos 43-åringen etter at hans onkel og trener Roger Mayweather (59) døde i mars.

Torsdag publiserte bokselegenden en video av at han trente sin 14 år gamle nevø.

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This is my first day working with my 14yr old nephew @slugboi.chris who has absolutely NO boxing experience at all, and this is my second time doing mitt work. The first time was with my oldest son @kingkoraun which you may have seen I recently posted. As many of you know, I’ve had incredible trainers which included my dad and uncle. Due to the recent passing of my Uncle Roger, I’ve felt inspired to help those around me the same way they have been there for me throughout my boxing career. In a time where we must distance ourselves from others, it has allowed me to reflect on how I want to make a difference in people lives and help them achieve their goals. A true trainer wants the best out of their fighter and pushes them to the best of their abilities. I am new to helping people train as I’ve always been on the other side of the mitts. A fighter could be impressive at mitt work but it doesn’t make him a great fighter. A trainer could be impressive on the mitts but it doesn’t make him a great trainer. It has become a goal of mine to help others reach the best versions of themselves and walk with it in confidence. I want to leave an impression on those around me and allow them to see their potential. This quarantine period has allowed me to see the importance of unity and helping others grow. I want to do my part on this Earth and allow people to see the potential in themselves so that they can share it with the world. I am new at training and so far I’ve been working with people with no boxing experience, therefore we are growing together. But I promise you, I will be one of the best trainers in the world. Inspire and be inspired… ? @tmtbside7

Et innlegg delt av Floyd Mayweather (@floydmayweather)

«Jeg er ny som trener, og så langt har jeg jobbet med folk uten bokseerfaring. Derfor utvikler vi oss sammen. Men jeg lover dere at jeg vil bli en av verdens beste trenere»

Mayweather la opp i 2017 etter at han knocket ut MMA-stjernen Conor McGregor i den tiende runden. Amerikaneren skal ha tjent rundt 820 millioner kroner på kampen. – For ikke så lenge siden meldte Forbes magazine at Floyd Mayweather passerte en netto formue på en milliard dollar.